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Welcome to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Origin Meridian Grand Lodge Website!


                                       Giving all the glory to the Great Architect of The Universe who is the head of my life.

                                       Greetings to all. I am honored, excited, and humbled to have been elected and installed as the 18th

                                                                 Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Origin Meridian Grand Lodge of Florida. I would not have been                                                                    able to accomplish this without the support of my family, friends, and Masonic mentors. Our journey                                                                                         commenced  in 1897 with Thomas Dawkins.  The Grand Masters who followed him, have all left their mark on                                                                           this great state.   It is a huge responsibility to lead this highly  intelligent and motivated group of Brothers and                                                                        Sisters, over this next year. However, I am extremely fortunate to be surrounded by like-minded, hardworking,                                                                   dedicated  members  who are  passionate and committed to helping this organization reach its potential.

                                                                  Wise folks once  said that  the race is not for the swift,  but for those who can endure. Being a unified body will                                                                   allow us to continue  to fulfill the overall mission of this organization, which is Charity, Friendship and Brotherly

love.  As your Grand Master, it is my duty to ensure that the rich history of this Grand Lodge is preserved, while fostering new growth.

Together, we can accomplish more, so I look forward to the journey that lies ahead for us as a Grand Lodge.

Remember this,

“Easy times create weak people, Weak people create tough times, Tough times create strong
people, and Strong people create easy times”.

 I am confident that we have enough strong people that are willing to help create some easier times for us.

Thank you all for entrusting me to lead you, now it is time to go to work. Let’s go!

Fraternally, I am
Honorable Ronaldo Smith 33⁰

Grand Master

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Mission Statement

Event Website in Seafoam Green Orange Gradients Style (Medium Banner (US) (Landscape)).jpg

127th Annual Grand Communication Session
April 18-21, 2024 in Miami, FL

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