PHO Meridian Club of Deliberation

33rd Degree Masons

Greetings Inspector Generals, Brothers, Sisters, and Friends:
It is an honor to serve as President of the PHO Meridian Council of
Deliberation of Florida. Thank you for entrusting me with this
honorable duty.
My desire is to work collaboratively with you to enhance the
foundation of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Origin Meridian Grand
Lodge and the National Compact. I am a servant leader and look
forward to working with all within our masonic circle.
It is our mission to improve our members and enhance the
communities in which we live by teaching and emulating the principles
of Brotherly Love, Tolerance, Charity, and Truth, while actively
embracing high social, moral, and spiritual values.
Fraternally Yours,
Inspector General Robert Head, III
Grand Cabinet
• IG Robert Head, III – Grand Commander
• IG David Valentine – Lt. Commander
• IG Alvin Shepard - Grand Orator
• IG Ronaldo Smith - Grand Secretary
• IG Eldred Lewis - Grand Treasurer
• IG Cleon Williams, Sr. - Grand Master of Ceremonies
• IG Henry Tyler – Life Member